That’s Messed Up: A Series about Sin and Redemption in Genesis – Rachel & Leah | Envy, Rivalry & Vainglory (Genesis 29-30)

Genesis 29:13-30:24

The idolatrous sins of envy, rivalry and vainglory are birthed when we attempt to contrive our own redemption by attaining a certain blessing or status.

“Have you noticed that even people who feel lousy about themselves are judgmental toward others? When you feel inferior to others, you don’t respect them or treat them with mercy. Instead, you envy, hate, grumble, and criticize. Even self-belittling tendencies – “low self-esteem,” self-pity, self-hatred, timidity, fears of failure and rejection – fundamentally express pride failing, pride intimidated, and pride despairing. Such pride, even when much battered, still finds someone else to look down on.” 

— David Powlison

Galatians 5:18-20 // Philippians 1:15

Envy – Coveting the blessings of others

1 Corinthians 13:4-7

Rivalry – Competing for superiority over others

James 4:1-3

Vainglory – Conflating self-exaltation with exultation in the Lord

James 3:14-15

The defeat of envy, rivalry and vainglory:

  • Pray for eyes to see your own mess.

Psalm 19:12, 90:8 // Job 34:32

  1. Believe: You’ve been given all the worth and love you could ever need, in Christ.

Romans 8:32

  1. Give all glory to God for the good in your life.

James 1:7 // Philippians 4:8 // John 21:21-22

  1. Rejoice for the good you see in the lives of others.

Romans 12:10, 15-16 // Philippians 2:3

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