That’s Messed Up: A Series about Sin and Redemption in Genesis – Joseph | Suffering & Thanksgiving (1 Thess. 5:18 & Gen. 50:20)
1 Thessalonians 5:18
Why should we give thanks in ALL circumstances?
– Because EVEN what only LOOKS EVIL to us, God means to use it for GOOD.
(Gen. 50:20)
Why should we give thanks in the HARD times?
– Because TEMPTATION is an OPPORTUNITY for our GROWTH in GLORIFYING God! (James 1:2-4)
Why should we give thanks in the BAD times?
– Because SUFFERING produces our ENDURANCE and CHARACTER, which ultimately produces our HOPE! (Romans 5:2-4)
Why should we give thanks in the GOOD times?
– Because we need to remember that we don’t MAKE our plans SUCCEED; GOD DOES.
– Because God WANTS to GIVE the GIFT of LIFE to all! (Col. 1:9-14 & 1 Tim. 2:4)
– Because others may get to SEE the GREATNESS and GOODNESS of God! (Phil. 2:15)
How do we give thanks in ALL of these circumstances?
– LOOK through the LENSES that GOD does! (Gen. 50:20)
– HOLD on to the HOPE of HEAVEN! (Romans 8:18)