God & Sinners Reconciled: Advent is About Hope (Titus 2:11-13)
Galatians 3:22 // Romans 5:20
“All the ideas of Christianity might be discovered in some other religion, yet there would be in that other religion no Christianity. For Christianity depends, not upon a complex of ideas, but upon the narration of an event. Without that event, the world, in the Christian view, is altogether dark, and humanity is lost under the guilt of sin. There can be no salvation by the discovery of eternal truth, for eternal truth brings naught but despair, because of sin. But a new face has been put upon life by the blessed thing that God did when He offered up His only begotten Son.” — Gresham Machen
Titus 2:11-13
Biblical hope is the confident expectation of our grace-secured future with Christ upon His imminent return.
Hebrews 6:19-20
Hope is naturally opposed to hurry because, like an anchor, it is not meant to speedily take us somewhere or get us something, but to steadily keep us for someone.
1 Peter 1:13 // James 5:8
Advent is a season for the church to fight the cultural craving for more and better trivialities by patiently focusing on the best and most ultimate reality: Jesus came and is coming again!