Therefore: A Series on the Basic Measures of Gospel-Centered Disciples | Live a SENT life of making more disciples
The gospel is not only the message of Christ as loving Savior but as sovereign Lord– those whom He saves, He also sends!
John 20:19-21 // Acts 1:8
Being a witness of the external word and internal work of Jesus is both the qualification and motivation for the ‘GOing’ that Jesus expects of His disciples.
“Why do we desire the spread of the gospel throughout the world? Not out of a sinful imperialism or triumphalism, whether for ourselves or the church or even “Christianity.” Nor just because evangelism is part of our Christian obedience (though it is). Nor primarily to make other people happy (though it does). But especially because the glory of God and of His Christ is at stake. God is King, has inaugurated His saving reign through Christ, and has a right to rule in the lives of His creatures. Our ambition, then, is to seek first His kingdom, to cherish the passionate desire that His name should receive from men the honor which is due to it.” — John Stott
Discipleship involves telling and teaching– telling others the truth about who Jesus is and, for those who believe, teaching them how to obey His commands.
1 Thessalonians 1:2-8
While some are specifically called to go on mission to ‘the end of the earth’, living a SENT life is recognizing that we are to make disciples ‘as we go’ wherever we go.
Ref. 2 Corinthians 5:11-21
The Hub City Church desires to cultivate a culture with the firm conviction that the main objective of every true disciple is to make more disciples.
Acts 6:7 // Luke 6:46