The Birth of the Church | Acts 2:14-41 Peter’s Gospel
Acts 2:14-41
“There is no better evangelist in the world than the Holy Spirit. But the Holy Spirit does not work apart from the preaching of the gospel. It is through the faithful declaration of the Word of God that the Spirit draws men to Christ.” — D.L. Moody
Important Take-Aways from Peter’s Gospel Presentation:
1) The book of Acts reveals that for the gospel to go forward, it must do so not merely with ‘acts,’ but also with ‘addresses’—not just good works completed, but true words spoken.
Romans 10:14-17 // John 17:17-20 // Mark 16:15-16
2) Christians and their claims aren’t crazy or irrational– they’re based on a LOT of prophecy fulfilled in history.
Luke 24:27 // 1 Peter 1:10-12
3) Saving faith observed has at least four clear components…
– Undeniable, heart-level conviction that cannot be ignored.
John 16:8
– Confession and repentance of personal sin as the primary problem in life, which must be reconciled.
Luke 13:1-5
– Specific trust in the perfect life, atoning death, and triumphant resurrection of Jesus Christ, the divine Son of God and sovereign Lord of heaven and earth.
Romans 10:9-10
– A desire to be baptized as a public profession of faith and the first step of practical obedience in a life of following Jesus.
Acts 16:30-33