1 John | A Series About Abiding in Christ – A Clear Conscience

1 John 3:19-24

The gospel not only offers forgiveness of sin, it offers a new life with a clear conscience and thus confidence before God.

Romans 5:1 // Romans 8:1

“Our consciences are the internal mechanism given to us by God to drive us toward sincerity. Like an internal accountability partner, the conscience acts as a witness in our hearts and minds to either “accuse or even excuse” our actions (Rom. 2:15). When we inform the conscience with biblical truth we are telling it to accurately hold us in check against the standard of Scripture. The conscience itself is not our benchmark, but if kept clear and clean it becomes a powerful instrument of integrity as it drives us toward the grand, inflexible benchmark – God’s Word.” — Jerry Wragg

While our consciences are cleansed in Christ, they require ongoing training and maintenance due to indwelling sin.

Romans 6:1-2 // 1 Timothy 1:5

How to Maintain a Clear Conscience:

  1. Faith in Christ

John 6:28-29, 44 // Romans 8:9

  1. Obedience to His Commands

Matthew 7:21 // John 15:14

  1. Dependent Prayer

Matthew 7:7-11 // 1 Peter 4:7

  1. Ongoing Reliance on God for Assurance

John 21:17 // 2 Timothy 2:13,19 // Mark 9:24

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