Church 101: Deacons | The NEED for ‘Lead Servants’

Recap: 1 Timothy 3:14-15

Mark 10:45 // Luke 22:26

The primary need for ‘deacons’ is the need for every believer to reckon themselves a servant of others, in Christ (especially within their church family!)

Philippians 1:1 // 1 Timothy 3:8

The Acts 6 Model:

Acts 6:1-7

1) The ‘official’ role of Deacon exists because there are tasks critical to effective gospel ministry to which Elders cannot afford to give their time and energy.

1 Corinthians 12:14-18

2) Deacons are needed because the faithful administration of the various ministries of the church is a role that often entails care and builds unity.

3) Deacons are critical because without their fulfillment of the church’s practical needs, the very mission of the church may be hindered.

Romans 16:1-4,6,12

“A deacon’s work is often quiet but its effect is profound… There is an inseparable link between the labor of a deacon and the flourishing of the word. Public ministry is impossible without private service. Had the seven (in Acts 6) not freed the Apostle to focus on teaching and prayer, the gospel would not have spread.” — Matt Smethurst

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