Church 101: Deacons | The Portrait of a Deacon

Acts 6:3

When it comes to church leadership, character is to be prioritized over competency.

“We almost think it needs a better man to make a good deacon than a good minister. We who preach the word go first, and this pleases human nature; [but] grace is needed to make older, wealthier, and often wiser men go second and keep their place without envyings and bickering’s: thousands do this, and are to be honored for it.”
— Charles Spurgeon

While scripture is clear that the role of elder is reserved for men; depending on the translation of a couple of key texts- women can *definitely maybe* fill the role of deacon.

Romans 16:1-2 // 1 Timothy 3:11

1 Timothy 3:8-13

Regardless of what Deacons DO, Deacons are to BE:

  1. Self-controlled in their speech, appetites and financial dealings.

Ref. Ephesians 4:29, 5:5, 5:18

  1. Clear in their understanding of the gospel and in their commitment to selflessly serve the church.

1 Timothy 5:21-22, 24-25

  1. Faithful to love and lead their families well.

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