Daniel: Faithfulness in Babylon | Images of Gold (3:1-30)

Daniel 3:1-7

The spirit of Babylon insists that we bow down to worship any image except the right one: the image of the invisible God, Jesus Christ.

Isaiah 44:6-10, 13-19 // Matthew 4:8-10

Daniel 3:8-18

If Christians are going to faithfully refuse to bow to idols, there may come a time where they must stand alone and be willing to die.

Mark 8:34-38 // Matthew 10:28

Daniel 3:19-25

Sometimes Jesus saves His people out of life’s fires so that others would see that He is mighty to save; other times, He allows them to die that others might see His worthiness of our trust, even unto death.

“It is not our trust in God that keeps us from troubles, but our trust in God that keeps us in troubles.” — Richard Sibbes

Philippians 1:20-21 // 2 Timothy 4:17-18

Daniel 3:26-30

Ultimately, Jesus both stood alone in righteousness as none of us could and took the fiery wrath of God that we deserved so that we could bow before His Cross in faith and be promoted to reign with Him in His eternal Kingdom.

Isaiah 53:5-6, 10-11 // 2 Corinthians 5:21

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