Daniel: Faithfulness in Babylon | The Mercy of God’s Judgment 1:1-5

Daniel 1:1-5

Babylon, though a real historical place, becomes symbolic in scripture for ‘the kingdom of men’ who desire to live outside of the good and gracious rule of God.

Genesis 11:1-9 // 1 Peter 5:13 // Revelation 18:10,21

Israel’s time in Babylonian captivity is a testament to the fact that God is faithful to exact judgment on sin as He has promised.

Leviticus 26:14-17, 21-22, 33 // 2 Kings 20:12-18 // Hebrews 10:26-27, 30-31

The book of Daniel reveals that God is sovereignly at work to be merciful to His people, even amidst their sin’s consequences.

Jeremiah 29:4-7, 10-14 // Psalm 119:67, 75 // Hebrews 12:5-7, 11

The good news in Old Testament terms is, for those who humbly recognize and repent of their sinful affinity for Babylon, there is One who took the fullness of divine judgment they deserved and who will preserve them throughout the time of their exile!

Jeremiah 23:5-8, 24:4-7

“God really loves us and wants us to turn away from our sins. If He passed final judgment now, we would have no such opportunity; that would be the end of time for us. He has sufficient provocation to do so; that we recognize. We have sinned enough to deserve His infinite wrath at any moment, but we do not receive it. We have an opportunity, therefore, to turn away from our sin and to turn to God. Instead of continuing to offend Him, we can plead for forgiveness and seek to please Him. While there is yet life, that is possible.” — John Gerstner

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