Ephesians: Life Together In Christ | Embracing Our New Identity (4:17-24)
Ephesians 4:17-24
Christianity is not merely an outward modification of morality but a radical change of heart-level identity!
The OLD life of an unbeliever is:
- Blind and numb to God (Proverbs 4:19)
- Entrenched in corrupting lies (Romans 1:21-25)
- Restlessly searching for lasting pleasure and contentment where it can never be found (Ecclesiastes 2:1-11)
The NEW life of a believer is:
- Progressively transformed by hearing and obeying Jesus (Matthew 7:24)
- Ongoing adoption of righteous, gospel-centered living (Colossians 3:9-10)
- Ongoing abandonment of sinful, ignorant living (Colossians 2:8)
“If conversion to Christianity makes no improvement in a man’s outward actions – if he continues to be just as snobbish or spiteful or envious or ambitious as he was before – then I think we must suspect that his ‘conversion’ was largely imaginary.” — C.S. Lewis