Ephesians: Life Together in Christ | The Church in Christ (2:11-22)

Ephesians 2:11-22


Jesus did not come in spite of the Old Testament, as if they were at odds. Rather, Jesus came in light of and as the fulfillment of the Old.


Genesis 12:1-4a // Genesis 17:9-11 // Deuteronomy 10:12-17 // Romans 2:28-29


Remember who you were before Christ, be humbled at how far you were from Christ, and marvel at the faithfulnessof God.


Jesus’ death on the cross set aside the dividing wall of hostility, thereby reconciling us in two ways:

Reconciliation between God and the Sinner

Reconciliation between the Sinner and Sinner


Colossians 3:13 // Mark 11:25 // Romans 11:17-24


The Church are the redeemed people In Christ, united together by faith, in the  fulfillment of the Old Testament by a shared way of salvation; a common mission, and one identity built and founded on Jesus Christ.  


‘Mid toil and tribulation,

And tumult of her war,

She waits the consummation

Of peace forevermore;

Till with vision glorious

Her longing eyes are blest,

And the great church victorious

Shall be the church at rest.’

The Church’s one foundation

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