How to Have a Fulfilling Christmas (Luke 1:46-55)

Luke 1:46-55

The most important means of celebrating ‘Christmas’ is not giving gifts to one another; it is attempting to express our awe and humble gratitude for God’s inexpressible gift, through singing.

  1. Singing exists because some realities are too wonderful for God-conscious beings to know and merely talk about.

Genesis 2:23 // Exodus 15:1-2 // 1 Samuel 2:1 // Romans 11:33-36

  1. Because Christians know God, there are endless opportunities to sing about His glorious character and works.

Psalm 47:6-7, 66:2, 147:1

  1. Upon hearing the news of God’s merciful provision of the promised Savior, Mary and the multitude of angels alike burst forth in song. We should too!

Luke 2:10-14 // Luke 2:28-32 // Colossians 3:16

“Christian singing is the musical use of the voice to express truth that accords with God’s word, and feelings that accord with God’s worth. It is a gift beyond measuring.
— John Piper

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