That’s Messed Up: A Series about Sin and Redemption in Genesis – Noah | Drunkenness/ Addiction (Genesis 9)
Genesis 9:18-29
Proverbs 9:13-18
Addiction is a term that describes sin’s voluntary bondage to any substance or experience in hopes that it will provide the comfort or pleasure that only God can.
Romans 6:20-21 // John 8:34
“In sin, we are both hopelessly out of control and shrewdly calculating; victimized, yet responsible. All sin is simultaneously pitiable slavery and overt rebelliousness. This is a paradox to be sure, but one that is the essence of all sinful habits.” — Ed Welch
Distinguishing factors of addiction are: insatiability, irrationality, and isolation.
Proverbs 18:1, 26:11, 27:20
Addictions are an enslavement of the heart, not a sickness of the body and thus primarily require a spiritual intervention as opposed to a therapeutic solution.
Matthew 15:18-19
The Way Out of Addiction:
- Confess it as sin & cry out for rescue
(Psalm 51:1-7,10 // Romans 7:21-24)
- Look to Jesus in faith
(Numbers 21:7-9 // John 3:14)
- Worship and Fight
(1 Timothy 6:11-12)
- Repeat as necessary
(Proverbs 24:16 // Philippians 1:6)