The Birth of the Church | Acts 4:1-31 Resistance to the Resistance
Acts 4:1-31
“Christians are persecuted for the sake of righteousness because of their loyalty to Christ. Real loyalty to Him creates friction in the hearts of those who pay Him only lip service. Loyalty arouses their consciences, and leaves them with only two alternatives: follow Christ, or silence Him. Often their only way of silencing Christ is by silencing His servants. Persecution, in subtle or less subtle forms, is the result.” — Sinclair Ferguson
John 3:19-20
Obedience to the Great Commission always invites opposition because the gospel has enemies—both secular and religious.
Matthew 10:16-18 // John 15:18-20 // 2 Timothy 3:12
While persecution is to be expected, the only offense Christians should cause is the offense of Christ as Savior and Lord.
1 Peter 2:19-20, 3:13-18, 4:14-16 // 1 Corinthians 1:23
The church must always remain resolved to meet gospel resistance with bold persistence, not passive acquiescence.
2 Timothy 1:7 // Luke 12:4-5 // Ephesians 6:19-20
If the church is to remain faithful in witness, we must continually plead for empowerment from our sovereign God.
John 15:4-5,7